When you have been granted international protection in another country that status is recognized across the European Union under the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Once you’re granted protection in another country, you’re expected to stay and reside there.  

Since you have already been granted international protection in another country, your application for asylum will not be examined in Iceland and you will be returned to the country you can reside in legally. 

You will be granted time limit of 7-30 days, depending on your case, to depart voluntarily from the country. If you do not leave the country within the time limit, it can lead to a re-entry ban to Iceland and forced removal.  

After receiving a return decision, you will be moved to another housing at Bæjarhraun 16, where you will stay prior to departure or up to 30 days. Most families will not be moved to Bæjarhraun 16 and will remain in their previous housing. Please be advised to follow the rules regarding mandatory check-ins. Failure to comply may result in loss of housing, financial support and other benefits and you may be listed as a wanted person by the police.  

When returned a police officer from the National Commissioners Office in Iceland will meet up with you and take you to the airport. At the airport you will be escorted to the plane or all the way to the country you have been granted international protection in.     

You are recommended to reach out to local organizations and support networks, in the country you can reside in legally, that can offer help during this challenging time. They may provide resources such as housing, healthcare, and counseling to help you navigate the transition.  

You can contact a return specialist at return@police.is for further information.