Domestic violence is violence that an individual experiences from someone close to them, connected or related. The violence can be physical, psychological, sexual, financial or even digital. Because the victims are associated with the perpetrator, it is often more difficult to break away from the perpetrator and the effects of the violence become more profound. Domestic violence is not tied to the perpetrator’s or victim’s home and can occur anywhere.

For a long time, domestic violence was considered to be a private matter, and the role of the police was often to bring peace, conciliation or temporary relief. Under these circumstances, repeated offences were common, children were not attended to correctly, and the cycle of violence continued. In recent years, community awareness has been raised about domestic violence and its harmfulness. Police have prioritized domestic violence and changed their procedures in this area. Emphasis is placed on ensuring the safety of citizens, preventing repeated offenses and quality of the investigation into instances where domestic violence occurs, as well as cooperation with the social services / child protection of the municipalities to ensure that victims, perpetrators and children have easier access to the necessary services.

Police procedures for handling and registering family violence are available here. The following pages contain some useful information about family violence and where to look for help:

Kvennaathvarfið: 561 1205https://www.kvennaathvarf.is

Bjarkarhlíð Reykjavík: 553 3000 – https://www.bjarkarhlid.is/

Bjarmahlíð Akureyri: 551 2520https://www.bjarmahlid.is

Stígamót: 562 6868  –  800 6868https://www.stigamot.is/







Réttur þinn – Twoje prawa (útg 2019)

Réttur þinn – Your rights (útg 2019)

Samskiptastöðin- https://www.samskiptastodin.is/